horizontal image of a woman in a boudoir session in black and white

Why I Celebrate My Birthday with Self-Portraits

Today’s the big day—my 46th birthday! And like every year, I’m celebrating by doing something a little special: taking self-portraits. Now, you might be thinking, “Self-portraits? Isn’t that just a fancy way of saying ‘selfie’?” Well, yes and no. It’s more like a selfie’s more thoughtful, artsy cousin. But I promise, there’s a good reason behind it!

self-portrait of latina photographer in austin, texas

Makeup for a Special Day

Here’s the thing—most days, you’ll find me with a bare face, no makeup, just embracing the natural look. But on my birthday, I break out the makeup brushes and get a little fancy. Why? Because it’s fun! And honestly, because it’s a way to mark the day as special. It’s not about trying to look younger or different; it’s about feeling good and taking a moment to celebrate myself. Plus, it’s nice to remember I actually own makeup!

This year, I decided to keep it simple and true to my style by wearing a very boho Free People top. It’s comfortable, a little flowy, and just feels right for the vibe I’m going for—something free-spirited and true to me. And because I love to add a boudoir-ish touch to my photos, I chose a top that allows me to show a bit of skin and celebrate my body. There’s something powerful about embracing your own sensuality, especially on a day that’s all about celebrating yourself.

black and white portrait of a middle age woman laughing like she is enjoying her time in the studio

fun picture of a photographer taking her own self-portrait as a celebration of her birthday

Embracing My Age: A Lesson for My Daughters

I’ve got two young daughters who are watching my every move (yes, even when I think they’re not), and I want to show them that every age is worth celebrating. Society likes to tell us that youth is where it’s at, but I’m here to say that’s nonsense. Every year we live is a gift, full of experiences, laugh lines, and, let’s be honest, the occasional grey hair. I want my girls to see that at 46, I’m not trying to rewind the clock—I’m celebrating where I am right now, in all its glorious, messy, wonderful reality.

photographer takes self portrait to celebrate her birthday, wearing a blue top and grey background

Taking self-portraits is also my way of making memories. I tell my clients all the time: we only look like this today. Tomorrow, we’ll have changed, even if just a little. Time flies, and it’s so easy to let the moments slip by without capturing them.

I want my daughters to know that aging isn’t something to fear. It’s not a battle to fight or something to hide from—it’s a journey we’re all on. Everyone’s on this train, whether they like it or not. So why not enjoy the ride? Let’s take the pictures, make the memories, and celebrate every single year, laugh lines and all.

self-portrait of Ingrid Barnhart Photography

The Challenge and Reward of Self-Portraits

Now, let me tell you—man, I ADMIRE those photographers who do like 30 days of self-portraits. This is hard work! I can take thousands of pictures of other people, but to do it myself—focusing the camera, posing, running back and forth to get the shot—it’s like a workout. Seriously, I was breaking a sweat by the end of it! But you know what? I did it, and that makes it all the more satisfying.

So today, as I turn 46, I’m celebrating with a bit of makeup, a lot of laughter, and a camera in hand. I’m capturing the woman I am right now because I know this moment won’t come again. And I’m doing it for myself and my daughters, to show them that every age has its own beauty, that memories are worth making, and that we should all be proud of who we are, right here and now.

Here’s to 46 years of life, laughter, and many more self-portraits to come.

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